Monday, 16 September 2013

Tango Cycling Skills Weekend

1 - 3 November 2013

I have sourced one of the local Surrey Hills mountain bike skills companies, All Biked Up and arranged with them to give us amorning of skills coaching and a coached ride in the afternoon. Richard will tailor the coaching to the needs of our group. Richard also happens to be the Technique Editor for online mountain bike magazine, IMbikemag.

- They promise to teach on a maximum 6:1 ratio to ensure that we all get the attention that we need.
- They will split us into groups according to our current skills and ability.

The Green Escape is a new green friendly location with shepherds huts for us to sleep in. It is near Leith Hill. It looks and sounds absolutely divine and the lady has been so friendly with me, we might be one of the first groups staying there.
One of their green features is to flush the toilet with sawdust instead of water... :-) All very natural!

Weekend Itinerary:

·         Arrive around 7pm
·         Watch Firework Display with locals at Cold Harbour  - this should be spectacular
  • Skills Coaching by All Biked Up
  • Lunch in a local pub (not included in price)
  • Coached Ride by All Biked Up
  • Accommodation at The Green Escape or another local bunkhouse
  • Tango Cycling Meal & Kuier
  • Breakfast
  • A short Tango Cycling Ride using our new acquired skills
  • Return to London
Costs involved:

£100 - Skills coaching and coached ride

£70 - Tango Cycling (Accommodation, Travel, Food & Co-ordination Fee based on minimum of 10 people booking)
Usually we share lifts and split the petrol costs, so if you could let me know if you are happy to drive and how many bikes you can take, I will co-ordinate the transport logistics as well, otherwise we can take the train, but you will have to cycle with a backpack from Dorking to our ‘basecamp.’
I have budgeted quite generously. The maximum price would be £170, but depending on the numbers the costs might be less.

Tango Cycling Service:
  • Liaising with All Biked Up to provide skills coaching and a coached ride.
  • Planning our choice menu
  • Providing a kuier opportunity and getaway from London life
  • Ultimately making cycling more fun for less bygetting a group discount for the coaching if we are a minimum 13 people, by cooking in bulk and sharing lifts
  • Squirt bio-degradeable bikewash products & chain lube available for us to have clean bikes for our next ride
What is included in the food:
  • Tea, coffee, milk, sugar, evening meal and breakfast
What you need to take/bring along:
  • Your own drinks (if not mentioned above) & treats I’ll make my signature cycling trip crunchies
What is expected of you:
  • To help prepare food and clean up afterwards, I’ll provide all the recipes
  • To enjoy the riding, food & company
  • To have
How to book:
  • RSVP at the latest by 10 October 2013 @
  • Your place will be confirmed once you have paid a deposit of £50 into my account. I will provide my banking details once you RSVP'd

Please let me know if you have any other questions. I am looking forward to hear from you and to spend a weekend in my beloved Surrey with you. Feel free to include others if you think it is something that your friend/s would be interested in.

Take care,


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