I've never been able to swim properly so never considered doing triathlon as I've always had this fear of water, I think I've always been jealous of others that were able to do triathlons.
As soon as I saw XTERRA is coming to England I've decided that it is the closest I'll ever get to do one... So I sent an e-mail to my friends and got a
group together. Many of them entered whilst I was still procrastinating clicking the button!
We are coming... |
Liezl and I managed to arrive late at the race briefing, not even wearing our wetsuits, needless to say I didn't hear a thing of what was waiting for us.
The Mess |
The horn blew and it was as if I froze, rebelling, do I really have to swim now??? The buoy was VERY far in the distance and I felt so sorry for myself. My arms was tired from lugging the wors around for the Chill Zone the day before. I started off head above the water... half-heartedly trying to do the breathing thing. Round the halfway buoy I've lost the field and was on my own apart from the few lifesaving kayaks loitering around me. I had some strong words with myself, "You didn't learn to swim for NOTHING, Steph will be so disappointed if she sees how you are not implementing what she taught you." I also didn't want to be swimming all day long. It was a long 27 minutes of silence, but I did it.
I ran on wobbly legs (I mustv'e been kicking for a change Steph ;)) to T1. Zane & Simon arrived just in time to see me at T1. Myburgh was screaming at me to go faster in T1, but I couldn't get my socks and gloves on properly, it was sticky.
The start of the bike leg was weird. I wasn't used to my legs being like jelly and found it quite frustrating as I couldn't get into a rhythm. The first part was more technical too and I kept thinking, but you can ride technical sections, what is going on? After 3km I seemed to get better. I was frustrated that I was so far back in the field, so decided, the bike is my strongest part and if I wanted to make up some time, then NOW is the time to do it. Inspired by the UCI Mountainbike World Champs the weekend before I just went for it.
Past the half-way mark I was able to see Katy in the distance in her Tango Cycling kit, so it kept me motivated to catch her.
I caught up with some guys and didn't expect to see Stu in front of me, he offered to pull over so I could overtake him. I was just about to pass the guys sitting behind Katy when I heard them swearing, the course went under some trees and the next thing I just saw things flying around and felt a sting on my bottom! I tried to ignore it and kept going at it, although it was quite painful.
I loved the ride, overtaking a few people gave me confidence again and made the memory of the swim short lived.
Back in T2 I noticed blood through my trisuit and saw the sting still in my trisuit. I ran along over the uneven field with my wobble legs through the first forest section. I suddenly noticed a marshal and some people and then came to a sudden STOP. There was a ditch, the width was longer than my length. The marshals told me to jump and I was like, "With my short little legs???" So I jumped inside the ditch and crawled out the other side. They also told me mind the bog which I interpreted wrong and went down right in the middle and sank into the bog up to my knees. It was fun though. The run was much harder than I expected. We had to cross the same ditch on our way back, but this time by using a tree stump, I literally shuffled/crawled over whilst holding on to it.
I've done it! |
The last part of the run was through more forest parts, it was so nice to run through it, but it just felt like it was never ending.
Coming down the home straight I heard the voice of Annelize in my head. Just make your steps longer and keep breathing deeply.
The way I got cheered on over the Finish line made me feel as if I won the race, just the ribbon was missing. :-) It was special - thank you!
Katy & I located the First Aid people. They were only able to offer us ice for our sting injuries, so I stripped off and the lady had to hold the icepack on my bottom. She did say after a while that I can hold it myself to which I just said I know...
The Sprinters
Stu, TC, Jason, Katy, Liezl & Willem |
Liezl made it onto the podium in her very first triathlon ever! We are so proud of her.
Pokkeltjie claiming her place on the podium! |
Tango Cycling Chill Zone
Braaimaster |
This was Gerhard van Niekerks idea, I executed it. #goodmanagingskills
Gerhard braaied wors for us and we all had boerie rolls after our races. It was so nice to have a place to put our stuff and it was so good to have the shelter from the rain.
Gerhard van Niekerk & his brainchild |
Pokkeltjie claiming a hug from The Machine
TC |
Our other friends did the championship distance and it was fun to watch them compete! The course was well designed so we were able to support them at so many places. The 'internal' competition was strong between, Johan, Oli, Zane, Myburgh and Simon. :-) Lee-Anne is so head strong and despite sufferring from knee ache she soldiered on. Lizzie Doyle was called up by XTERRA and got offered a place at the World Championships in Hawaii in a month's time! Sooooo cool and proud!
Some of the hardcore ones:
Zane, Simon, Lee-Anne, Myburgh & Lizzie
Oli & Johan |
- Thank you XTERRA for forcing me to learn a skill that I've wanted to be able to do all my life. Thank you Stephne van Niekerk for pulling your 32 year old friend up and down in the pool and teaching me how to swim properly! It has been the best birthday gift and I'll always be able to use it! I am far from a confident fast swimmer, but I've overcome my fear for water! If I can learn to swim at this age anyone can!
- Watching the full distance competitors crossing the ditch and the bog
- I also had the opportunity to meet De Wet & Carl from Squirt and am hoping to speak with them again soon.
- It was great doing it with friends and being able to support each other was fun and such a blessing
The biggest challenge of doing a triathlon:
You have 3 finish lines... and you are ALL out all the time!